Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If only my blog was as cool as my pinterest

I LOVE pinterest. I have found so many useful tips from homemaking to homeschooling and everything else in between. Looking over my boards, it appears that I love cooking ideas. My newest favorite is baking bread in a crock pot. What???? Yes, this blogger and bread master has figured out how to cook bread in a crock pot. Since I love to make my own bread, even though I'm still working out the kinks of a beginner bread maker, I am excited to try this out. I will try to remember to document it. Then we can all have a hearty laugh at my failure. One thing I have learned from pinterest; is if it looks too easy, it probably is TOO EASY. Many a promised, simple recipes have gone to the waist basket because they are anything but simple or easy. Yet, this one, I will persevere and become a crock pot connoisseur of bread making. Flour in one hand and apron in the other.... I will see you soon.

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