Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If only my blog was as cool as my pinterest

I LOVE pinterest. I have found so many useful tips from homemaking to homeschooling and everything else in between. Looking over my boards, it appears that I love cooking ideas. My newest favorite is baking bread in a crock pot. What???? Yes, this blogger and bread master has figured out how to cook bread in a crock pot. Since I love to make my own bread, even though I'm still working out the kinks of a beginner bread maker, I am excited to try this out. I will try to remember to document it. Then we can all have a hearty laugh at my failure. One thing I have learned from pinterest; is if it looks too easy, it probably is TOO EASY. Many a promised, simple recipes have gone to the waist basket because they are anything but simple or easy. Yet, this one, I will persevere and become a crock pot connoisseur of bread making. Flour in one hand and apron in the other.... I will see you soon.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

MeeMaw and Papa visit 1 of 5

 Continuing with the flash back, lets go to earlier this month. May 12th-17th to be exact. My parents came for a visit. This is the first time to see them since we left Texas in April 2011. Michigan spring can be unpredictable and mostly wet, but God blessed us that week with fabulous weather.

 MeeMaw and Papa, their preferred grandparent names, rolled into town in the afternoon on May 11th. My parents and I, too excited to wait another minute to see each other, made immediate plans for dinner. Many joyous hugs and kisses were passed around when they arrived at our house after dropping their bags at the hotel. We took them to a quaint family restaurant just a few minutes from our home that serves a very simple American style menu. Everyone was pleased with their meal and the kids worked their charm on Papa right away by scoring toys from the $0.25 machines.

 After making happy plates, we came back to our house and talked till everyone was droopy eyed. We set up our plans for the next day, and they left. MeeMaw and Papa arrived at 9 am the morning of May 12th. Shea had to finagle the car seats around, but we managed to fit four adults and three car seats in a mini van. Yes, everyone was buckled. Safety first! Our first outing during their stay was a day long trip to the Ford Museum. Since the forecast had a chance of rain, we chose an indoor activity. MeeMaw had never been to the Ford, and I knew she was going to love it. She loves cars, and gears, and old sewing machines. This place had it all.

 Just a few minutes into the Model T, and rise of the industrial industry display, there was a demonstration booth of a production line for a Model T. An older gentlemen was in charge of the pieces and helped Manoah (Mo) and Jaelon (Jo) construct and destruct a toy Model T.

 Then a few steps later, there were two women putting parts on a full size Model T. One lady notice Manoah (Mo) looking at her, and she asked him if he would like to help put a headlight on the car. Before, you knew it he was putting a second headlight on and looking for the missing fourth wheel. She stopped him after the second headlight informing him that others need a chance to help.

 We spent the rest of the day exploring the museum. Took a pit stop at the Wiener mobile cafe for treats. Shea and I took many trips to the bathrooms with the boys. Apparently apple juice goes straight through them. It was very fun. I learned that I could carry Zephaniah (Zeph) in a sling for 8 hours, and he liked it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Oh Dear....I'm really bad at this blog thing

 It's been well over a year since my last post and plenty has happened to keep me much too busy for the internet. Maybe I should do a flash back series to log all the good, bad and awesome that has happened since I last logged on. On that note, lets start slow. Lets flash back to yesterday.
 Yesterday, May 25, 2012, I ventured out for the second time that week with a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 7 week old to the grocery store. It was a beautiful sunny day, with a little bit of wind, just enough to keep you comfortable in the sun. As we headed into the local grocer, Zephaniah in my ring sling, and the others holding hands with mine, a friendly golden haired lady smiled at my boys. She reminded me that children are a blessing. Amen! I exclaimed in my mind. We made our way around the store loading the cart with goodies and Jaelon sampling some produce prior to purchase. Manoah with enthusiastic curiosity asked every passer by their name. Poor baby just got blank stares. Up and down the isles, we marked items off our list, and Jaelon's leg room in the buggy shrunk.

 Since we have a planned budget for groceries and I only had a set amount of cash, I stopped to add up our current total to see if we could complete our list or if I had to veto some items. There was an item that I wanted to get for a dinner party we were attending the next day, but I did not have enough cash to purchase said item. Slightly frustrated, I stood there contemplating my next move. Then the golden hair lady came toward me, with her arm stretched out and said "here, Jesus wants to give you this, and I want you to know, Jesus loves you," and hands me cash. Praise the Lord! I replied. Next she said, "It's to help pay for your groceries and to get something you wouldn't of gotten."


 Well here is where I became overwhelmed with Gods love. Tears welled up in my eyes. I thought about how silly it is to worry about money when God IS the supplier of all my needs. I thought about how seconds before she walked up, I was considering not buying something because of lack. I thought about how it seemed like God was saying, "I've got this item covered." Beauty. This woman's act of obedience blessed me more than she will ever know. She was so sweet and so nervous to talk to me about Jesus, afraid I might reject her, or call her names. She took a small risk to love on someone she felt needed to be reminded of God's love. Her effort will be greatly rewarded in Heaven. I pray a blessing of 100 fold return on what she gave me.

 As I'm thinking all these things, and having an inner monologue, I am crying in the middle of the isle. I am also waving my hands as if I am having a conversation, but my mouth isn't moving. Basically, I looked a little coo-coo in the cooking isle, but I did not really care. I was waist deep in admiration of God's faithfulness and perfect timing.

 Shortly after leaving the store, a young woman commented on one of my arm tattoos, and that lead to a brief conversation about Jesus. It was a very good day.

 Oh and I went to JoAnn Fabrics for their Memorial day weekend sale, coupons in hand, to get fabric to finish a project I have been sitting on for a couple months. Thanks to the sale pricing and my coupons, I walked out of there paying a third of the cost and getting double the amount. Win, win!