Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I do not like blood test

Making a pregnant woman fast for twelve hours is some kinda torture!
There was a very talkative girl in the waiting room. She was sweet, but really did not care what I had to say. She did seem confused about my face though. It is embarassing to talk to new people with my face being all lame. I look totally normal when I have no expression, but when I start to talk it is painfully obvious that something is not right with my face.
I can only give people half a smile, my eyes do not match when they close and the most embarassing is when I talk I practically eat the left half of my bottom lip.

Oh and I can not pronounce the letter F correctly....which is the other problem when meeting new people. "Hi, my name is Sloffy" is what people hear.....dang, I have a hard enough time with people understanding my name....this on top makes it even more annoying.

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