Monday, December 10, 2007

more about Bell's Palsy:

Bell's palsy is more common in pregnant women than in women who are not pregnant.
Developing Bell's Palsy during pregnancy does not automatically indicate the presence of a more serious underlying condition.
The 7th Cranial Nerve (VII) passes through a complex and tortuous route in the skull before it gets to the muscles and other structures it innervates. Some of the openings that the nerve must pass through are extremely narrow.
Many scientists believe that a viral infection such the common cold sore virus, herpes simplex, causes the disorder. (which I do get cold sores now and again, but not any recently, but the virus is still there if the signs are not showing). It has also been associated with: mumps, influenza or a flu-like illness, headaches, chronic middle ear infection, high blood pressure, diabetes, tumors, Lyme disease, tuberculosis, trauma such as skull fracture, facial injury and even in some instances, dental work, if the facial nerve is damaged or frozen during injection.

But for me, I think it is stress with the viral infection and pregnancy.

Facial Muscles Supplied By the 7th Cranial Nerve
Muscle Function
Epicranius: Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead horizontally 
Corrugator Supercilii: Wrinkles forehead vertically
Orbicularis Oculi: Closes eye
Orbicularis Oris: Draws lips together
Zygomaticus Major: Elevates angle of the mouth (laughing)
Buccinator: Permits smiling; blowing / pursing of the lips

So right now my face is really bad at doing all those actions on my left side..... tiny improvments have come about, but i can not capture them on film to share, just know that I can curl my upper lip and pull my bottom lip down slightly, but my eye area is the weakest part, and that is also where i first felt the problem.

other things it effects:
Hearing structures innervated by the 7th Cranial nerve
Stapedius muscle - the function of this muscle is to tension the bones of the middle ear

Sensory functions innervated by the 7th Cranial nerve
Anterior two thirds of the tongue - taste

Parasympathetic functions innervated by the 7th Cranial nerve

Salivary and lacrimal glands - salivation and lacrimation (saliva and tearing of the eye)

I hope this helps with questions....

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