Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MeMaw and PaPa visit 4 of 5

Ok, Lets see if I can finally finish this series of my parents visit. Tuesday, May 15, 2012 my parents, Shea, my boys and I went to Greenfield Village. We decided to go on a separate day from when we went to the Ford Museum because we knew that we would miss most of both places if we tried to squeeze it all into one day. We left a little later than we wanted. The kids were sleeping in because we had worn them out doing so much for three days straight. After paying the entrance fee and buying a all day ride pass, I suggested that my dad, Shea, Mo and Jo go to the farm area so the kids could look at the animals while my mom and I went to the crafts area to enjoy the artistry of old techniques. Then men folk met up with us about half an hour later and headed for the restaurant. After lunch we stopped at the carousel where everyone but MeMaw rode around and around. Even little Zeph and I found a suitable seat for the ride.  It was a very cool carousel made 99 years ago!

Then we went on a hunt for the model T rides. As we were waiting in line, MeMaw became very excited at one of the cars pulling into the loading area. The car had a wooden frame and that was the one she was hoping to get. It worked out that she got to ride in the one she wanted, but there was not enough room for our whole group. My dad, baby Zeph and I rode in a separate car that was a black convertible. It was very cool.  Even though it does not sound like we did very much thus far, time was passing quickly. We looked into a few of the old houses but my dad did not want to leave that day with out seeing Edison's lab.
We came to the conclusion that riding the train all the way to the back of the park and walking to the lab would be the fastest route. Mo was over joyed at this choice, but Jo had his doubts. Jo did not like the sound of the train. Too loud and big for his taste. He did get on the train with out any tears, but stayed in Shea's lap for half the trip. Then he was brave enough to sit next to daddy. I was so proud that he was conquering the fear of the train.

The whole day, if Jo was near the train when it whistled or blew steam, he would run to Shea or my dad and wanted to be picked up.  After riding it he was not as afraid. Through out the day we would stop so I could nurse Zeph or change his diaper. These were very welcomed moments of rest for my parents as well. We found Edison's lab. It was in a very small building and only one room was available to stand in to look around. The rest of the lab was behind glass. It was very underwhelming. As I took another pit stop for Zeph, the rest of the family went into near by homes. It was unusually warm that day, and Zeph was too young to ride anywhere else but my sling. To give myself a break from his body heat, I laid him down on the sling in the grass. Shea, Mo and Jo joined him a few feet away. It was very nice in the shade, with a light breeze.

We made our way back to the front gate, and stopped in the hat shop and Wright brother's bike shop. The bike shop is one of my favorites with the hat shop in a close second. Next was dinner out at Big Boy and then some good conversation at my house. It was a long day, but so much fun to experience Greenfield village together as a family.

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