Thursday, August 2, 2012

MK1615 / family vacation

Tuesday July 31st, 2012 we returned from our trip to Texas. We left on Thursday July 19th and drove 20 hours straight till we ended at Oma's house in Arlington. Shea and I took 5 hour shifts, rotating turns and only stopped a few times for gas, food or potty breaks. Just a couple hours before we finished packing the van for the trip, our kitchen faucet, only a year old, started to leak and break. Woo. We turned the water main off just in case and said that we would deal with it when we return. Devil tried to distract us, take our money for the trip, but we just punched him in the throat and went to Texas. Going to Texas was a big deal. It had been 15 months since I had been back, and I had not seen my in laws or my sister since I left. Also, our home church was holding it's yearly conference and we knew that we needed to go to that and get refreshed and renewed for the work at hand here in Detroit. We had grown weary and shrunk back. So the distraction of the kitchen faucet was just that, a distraction.

My brother and sister in law live in LA, and they were planning a trip to Texas for the conference as well. No sooner did they have their tickets booked, their car suddenly needed repair. Again, distraction from the enemy trying to keep us away from what God is doing in Texas and us taking it home.

The kids had a hard time settling into the car for sleep and were very excited to go to Oma's house. Since they are still small, it was hard for them to understand that Oma was not just down the street any more. Mo keep saying, "I want to be at Oma's house in Texas." He said it often and at every stop, it was the equivalent of "are we there yet?" Zeph did great, and slept the whole night. I had bottles prepared and my breast pump, so either one of us could feed him and we could keep driving. I had the third shift, 12 am to 5 am driving. After the first 30 minutes, Shea was asleep and I was starting to fade. Then it started to rain. Then we were in the hills of Kentucky. Then there was construction that kept you in a single lane and no shoulder. The rain came down so hard I could barely see ten feet in front of me, but there was no where to pull over. I had to keep driving. For four hours I had to keep driving this way. I was wide awake the whole time, mostly from the adrenaline of the circumstance.
I had made sandwiches and zucchini bread for the trip. Plus we bought yogurt, bananas, trail mixes, and a couple gallons of water to fill sippy cups. In the morning we stopped at a rest area for breakfast and another rest area for lunch. By lunch time we were in Texas and by 4 pm we were unpacked and relaxing on Oma's couch. Through the night with three little ones was definitely the way to go to Texas. We had dinner at Oma's house and then met up with my parents, sister and cousin Danny for frozen yogurt. We did not get to stay long because Zeph had a poopy diaper that Shea did not notice till Zeph was really squirmy. He tried to hand Zeph to me, but I saw the poo trail up his back, seeping through his white onesie. I did not bring extra clothes, so we changed him and just left.
The next day was Saturday and we made plans to hang out with my parents, especially since it was the one of the few days that they were available while we were in town. Papa wanted to get some fresh fruit from a peach orchard he stumbled upon, and so we came with him. We had yummy hamburgers and hot dogs as big as the baby.  It was busy, and after tasting the peaches, I knew why it was full of people. We picked up a half bushel for Oma and shared the most delicious peach soft serve. Then we went to the boat show in Dallas. Papa loves going to these kind of things, and took Jo last year. It was a little chaotic at first with the boys running around trying out each boat, but we were able to real them in (pun intended) and we all had fun. The best part of the time there was the kids bumper boat rides. Mo went first but quickly decided that he was not comfortable surrounded by water and wanted out. He was so distraught by the water that he did not steer his boat but just let it go in circles. I was laughing, a lot. It was really cute and sad. So we helped him out and asked the worker if Jo could finish out Mo's turn. He accepted and Jo was a pro in the boat. He steered that thing like he had been driving his whole life.  I was impressed. Then we had dinner at Oma's house. Salmon with shrimp, stir fry vegetables, quinoa, and salad. She made so much salmon that there was left overs for days and she kept trying to sell us all on eating it, but no one was biting. Ha, get it. Okay enough with the fishy puns.
Sunday we enjoyed the company of fellow DBC (deliverance bible church) church planters, Pastor Clay and Mari Warren. They pastor DBC Dallas along with my dear friend Michelle and her husband Timmy. It was so nice to talk with them and see how they run their service as they are in a transition stage. We stayed a few hours after the service to chat. Michelle has a little girl about the same age as Zeph and so we shared birthing stories. Mari's home is very well styled but still very welcoming. We spent a good amount of time getting to know each other more. Her best friend, Amber, lives in Michigan, and Mari is from Michigan too.

Monday, I met up with a couple of girlfriends and their kids for a play date lunch. One of the ladies just had her little boy only a month prior, so I was very proud of her to get out of the house and hang out with us. The other friend has two boys, one only a month older than Jo. It was great to laugh and talk with them. At one point, while in the mall play area, a little girl came up to me and Zeph, said "baby!" and proceeded to slap Zeph on the belly! I brushed her hand away and said sweetly to not do that, and before the words finished coming out of my mouth she grabbed my phone and started to walk away. Fortunately, I have cat like reflexes and grabbed it from her before she was very far. Then while I was in the bathroom, she came and drank my drink. She was rowdy to say the least. That night we went to another friend's house for dinner and a tattoo. My new ink, Romans 6:11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 

Tuesday, we hung around the house, did some laundry and watched some TV. Then we stole Mikalah, Shea's little sister, and went to bible study at DBC Hurst. I loved that we got a few extra hours with the people of DBC Hurst before the conference that weekend. The message was awesome. DBC Spokane was there, represented by Pastor Mike and Jewel Holmesmith.

Wednesday, we met up with my sister, Sarah, at the Dallas World Aquarium. It was Shea, Oma, Mikalah, Mo, Jo, Zeph, Sarah, and me. We slowly made our way through the aquarium. Mo wanted to see every little detail, Jo was excited and pulled Sarah every where, while I just strolled around with my camera. Because of the extra adults, Shea and I got to enjoy the aquarium too. We had a very late lunch there, and I was so proud of my little guys holding up so well even though they were hungry and tired. Dinner that night was relaxed and leftovers. Dylan and Carrah with their little boy, Aeden, arrived into town and were waiting at the house when we got home from the aquarium. Aeden was so cute doing a little dance for each person and saying their name. He expressed what we all were feeling, joy, in abundance to be reunited with family after so many months. 

Thursday, we had made big plans to do all kinds of things as one big O'Riley family, but classic O'Riley, everything planned was thrown out. It took Oma four hours to get ready for the day because she kept getting distracted by us being there and talking. In the end we were all happy that all we did was talk and hang out, because that was all we really wanted to do anyway. I had plans for dinner with my parents, not knowing that they had a prior engagement. So we ate and they left rather quickly, we were only gone from Oma's house for exactly one hour. I was disappointed because I wanted more time and if I had known they did not have that time, then I would of pushed for Wednesday night dinner. I was so excited to see Carrah, Aeden and Dylan, I had my parents dinner plans changed. At least I did get to see them even though it was very short. 

Friday, was the pastor's wives breakfast meeting, where we were rebuked, encouraged and downloaded with wisdom from our spiritual momma, Lady Nicole Adrian. We also had a short time of fellowship. It was so awesome to see all the ladies of DBC. One gentlemen stopped Carrah on her away to get her coffee to ask why we were meeting. He said he was in town to speak at another conference going on. We were kind of a sight to see. There was blue, purple, orange, pink and black hair, and tattoos on a group of 30 somethings that were praising Jesus. That night Shea and I moved into a hotel room leaving Mo and Jo at Oma's house, then we went to the first night of MK1615 conference. How I missed DBC Hurst worship. Holy Spirit is so free to move in that house. I also realized how hungry I was for Jesus that night. The word was awesome and I look forward to getting the recording since I missed the very end because I had Zeph in the nursery and another baby was crying. By the end of the night we were already feeling refreshed and refilled but also exhausted from the day. 

The next morning we met up with the DBC Dallas pastors for breakfast and fellowship. Then back to the hotel to rest, and I napped with Zeph. It was so quiet with only one baby. We grabbed lunch on the run and back to DBC Hurst for the after noon session. Again, awesome worship, awesome word. Then to a group dinner at Dickey's BBQ for DBC pastors and guest. More food and fellowship. We still had a few hours before the evening session and the pastors meeting. So Shea and I went back to the hotel, more rest and quiet, then to the church for a quick meeting just for pastors and then the night time session. More awesome worship, more amazing word from the Lord. Straight to bed afterwards, and we all slept very hard.

Sunday morning, we packed and checked out of the hotel, and headed to Oma's house to pick up our other babies. They were very happy to see us, which is always a joy. We had brunch and got the kids ready for church. At the church, my parents were there waiting for us, because we were going to dedicate Zeph to the Lord during service. Just before worship began, Lady Nicole called us up onto stage, and Pastor Cleetus and Nicole prayed for us and Zeph. Then we were presented with a certificate and a bible with his name on it. I love my pastors, and it was a very special moment. Zeph looked at Pastor Cleetus as he spoke with such awe, and Cleetus honored Oma and my parents for giving up generations, literally, for the gospel's sake. Moments like those make me realize what a big deal it is that we are in Detroit planting a church and raising up fiery, prophetic, preachers of the Gospel, not only in our church but in our home too. I was a weeping mess. It was awesome.

That night after everyone went to bed, Shea, Dylan, Carrah and I went on an adventure. We went to see a late night movie and came home at 2:30 am. It was fun, but probably would not do it again. 

Monday morning, I slept in with Zeph by my side, while the kids played with their cousin and Oma. We slowly packed, did laundry and loaded the van. My parents and my in laws piled a few more things they thought the kids needed in the car too. Surprisingly it did not over flow. Then we ate dinner and hit the road. The kids and I were asleep by 10 pm and then I was up and driving at midnight. This time no storms, but I did have Holy Spirit to keep me up and math. Yep, I did math in my head to keep me awake the last hour, nerd. 

Tuesday we stopped in Ohio for late lunch, early dinner and the lady at the check out was a new convert to Christianity. We had a good little talk and I prayed for her. It was awesome to get to spread some of the fire I received in Texas so soon. Shea drove the rest of the way home, but somehow got lost in Detroit. I was asleep, so I do not know what happened, but we were in Detroit in an area not close to home. Eventually we found our way back to the highway, and home. It was still standing, with all our stuff intact. Now we have been challenged and changed by what we heard in Texas. It is not time to shrink back, but to push forward with the vision for Detroit.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MeMaw and PaPa visit 4 of 5

Ok, Lets see if I can finally finish this series of my parents visit. Tuesday, May 15, 2012 my parents, Shea, my boys and I went to Greenfield Village. We decided to go on a separate day from when we went to the Ford Museum because we knew that we would miss most of both places if we tried to squeeze it all into one day. We left a little later than we wanted. The kids were sleeping in because we had worn them out doing so much for three days straight. After paying the entrance fee and buying a all day ride pass, I suggested that my dad, Shea, Mo and Jo go to the farm area so the kids could look at the animals while my mom and I went to the crafts area to enjoy the artistry of old techniques. Then men folk met up with us about half an hour later and headed for the restaurant. After lunch we stopped at the carousel where everyone but MeMaw rode around and around. Even little Zeph and I found a suitable seat for the ride.  It was a very cool carousel made 99 years ago!

Then we went on a hunt for the model T rides. As we were waiting in line, MeMaw became very excited at one of the cars pulling into the loading area. The car had a wooden frame and that was the one she was hoping to get. It worked out that she got to ride in the one she wanted, but there was not enough room for our whole group. My dad, baby Zeph and I rode in a separate car that was a black convertible. It was very cool.  Even though it does not sound like we did very much thus far, time was passing quickly. We looked into a few of the old houses but my dad did not want to leave that day with out seeing Edison's lab.
We came to the conclusion that riding the train all the way to the back of the park and walking to the lab would be the fastest route. Mo was over joyed at this choice, but Jo had his doubts. Jo did not like the sound of the train. Too loud and big for his taste. He did get on the train with out any tears, but stayed in Shea's lap for half the trip. Then he was brave enough to sit next to daddy. I was so proud that he was conquering the fear of the train.

The whole day, if Jo was near the train when it whistled or blew steam, he would run to Shea or my dad and wanted to be picked up.  After riding it he was not as afraid. Through out the day we would stop so I could nurse Zeph or change his diaper. These were very welcomed moments of rest for my parents as well. We found Edison's lab. It was in a very small building and only one room was available to stand in to look around. The rest of the lab was behind glass. It was very underwhelming. As I took another pit stop for Zeph, the rest of the family went into near by homes. It was unusually warm that day, and Zeph was too young to ride anywhere else but my sling. To give myself a break from his body heat, I laid him down on the sling in the grass. Shea, Mo and Jo joined him a few feet away. It was very nice in the shade, with a light breeze.

We made our way back to the front gate, and stopped in the hat shop and Wright brother's bike shop. The bike shop is one of my favorites with the hat shop in a close second. Next was dinner out at Big Boy and then some good conversation at my house. It was a long day, but so much fun to experience Greenfield village together as a family.