Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pre-school Homeschool begins

   Last week was so very busy. Monday was labor day and Shea was home. Tuesday we spent the day playing outside and did a little science experiment with baking soda, food coloring and vinegar. Wednesday we started home school officially and I quickly learned how much information and how long my little monkey's attention span is now. I pull from the website ABCJesuslovesme.com. I really enjoy using the ideas from their site because it has curriculum geared towards 2 to 5 year old children. Since my boys fall with in that age range, it focus on using scripture, and is free, its the perfect place for me to start as I learn to school my boys. Thursday we had an appointment with WIC. My boys stayed with a friend in the afternoon while I went to the OB. So school did not happen on Thursday. Friday we did what we could, but it was not as much as I wanted to make up for missing Thursday's lessons. We went to the library, ran a few other errands, took care of the bills, and did the laundry I would have done on Thursday (Mondays and Thursdays have become my designated laundry days, and I make it appoint to finish it from start to end. So far this technique is working better with our lifestyle than trying to do a load everyday, or just one day). We did get a lot of the school work done on Friday, even with all the other stuff going on. I pretty much hit the ground running Friday. I proved to myself that I can care for an infant and a household with out killing myself.

   Now we are in our second week of home school. I know you maybe thinking, what is the big deal? It's just preschool. It IS a big deal for me because it is a time to train myself how to work with a curriculum, how to schedule our day, and learn more about home school. I figured if I miss something, or make a mistake, it is not the end of the world, because the lesson plans ultimately take up one hour total of the day and can be added to another day easily. We began our day in prayer and in God's word. I have been trying to put this in our day for a long time, and today went really well. It has put a peace on the household and guided our day in a very positive way.
   In other news, Zeph has been scooting on his belly. He can push himself by putting his head on the floor and pushing his body with just his legs. He is only 5 months old and is trying to crawl. Jo is talking with more and more clarity. Mo is becoming quite the leader and I do not have him to as much because he knows the routine. So if I say it is bed time, he knows to pick up his toys, get his jammys on and brush his teeth. It is bitter sweet they are all growing so much. I am so blessed to be apart of their journey.